Can you use Capsinol while you are pregnant?
We cannot answer this question in concrete terms, unfortunately. Capsinol has not been medically tested and therefore we cannot comment on this.
What we can say; the Original Formula and Extra Strong do not contain any ingredients that by themselves are harmful to pregnancy.
We do not recommend the Mild formula during pregnancy. This is because it contains feverfew (feverfew) as an extra ingredient. This substance has a slightly blood-thinning effect and could possibly induce labor. The amount of feverfew is so low that we do not expect it to help as a wee inducer. Should that need be there at the end of the pregnancy.
Pay attention! A standard nasal spray containing xylometazoline is not recommended for the unborn child during the first trimester. Saline solution may be less effective, but it is a healthy alternative during this time.
Capsinol during breastfeeding
When breastfeeding, both formulas as well as Capsinol Hayfever and Capsinol Nasal Oil can be used as usual.
When in doubt: If in doubt, ask your doctor or pharmacist.
We wish you a pleasant and carefree pregnancy!